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I became involved with network marketing because of my quest for products that would support the health and well-being of my family. As an experienced networker, I was looking for the right company with the right product and I immediately saw the potential of 4Life. The opportunity was introduced to me by someone I knew from another company. As I gave 4Life my full attention, I soon started building my business throughout the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Philippines.
I was born in Northern Ireland and have taken various career paths as a wife, mother, grandmother, fashion business owner, and lastly, a nurse at the world-famous Papworth Hospital in Cambridgeshire. It was there that I really developed a passion to help others and to find safe, natural alternatives to support my health and well-being.
Since joining 4Life nine years ago, sharing the 4Life opportunity and products has become a way of life for me. With it has come success and the satisfaction of knowing I am helping others achieve health and prosperity.
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