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Since childhood, I worked as a farmer in Buena Vista de Rivas PZ, Costa Rica. At the age of fifteen, I came to Guapiles where I worked at a concrete company for 23 years. During that time, I had only had fifteen days of vacation. Late in 2003, I bought a restaurant and worked there for nine years. Finally in 2010, I sign the best contract in the world when I joined 4Life®.
I spent two months getting to know the product, and in July, I joined 4Life. By September of 2010, I had achieved Diamond. In April 2011, I achieved Presidential Diamond, and just six months later in October 2011, I achieved International Diamond through working together with the International Networker’s Team.
One of the dreams I hoped to accomplish through 4Life was to achieve lifestyle freedom and, most importantly, to have time to enjoy spending with my family. Another dream was to buy a nice car. My next dream is to give Costa Rica many more International Diamonds and ultimately to achieve Platinum International Diamond!
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